Sunday, 12 February 2012

Manly Man Training.

Did 72.21 miles today, average HR of 137 and climbed roughly 6,400ft. Impressed? Snigger. I was in Zone 10 for like 69 seconds, and had I had my power meter in I'm sure I would have set PBs for max power. Yah. Must have been at Threshold for at least 4 hours. We saw someone in the cafe on Zipp 303 tubs. In the mist. And salty wet roads. And I complemented him by asking: 'Is that Carbon?'. I toadally had to stay in zone 2 for the rest of the ride though after seeing all that carbonny (carbon-ney? Carboney?) goodness. KOM'd all applicable Strava segments as well. On my winter bike. With my rack. I'm like, fairly sure I had a slow puncture as well. Only ate half a scone in the cafe, as I figured I'd have to do another 4 hours to warrant the other half. Got to watch the body fat %. I'm going to stop that now. That Ladies and Gentlemen was cycling bullsh*t, and I am henceforth mounting a campaign to remove as much of it as possible from the internet. Except I don't know exactly how...any ideas? Twitter Hashtag? Sandwich boards on street corners? Any volunteers? 

I didn't actually ask him if it was Carbon, but there really was a guy on his eye wateringly nice Cervelo with Zipp tubs today at the cafe today. In the mist. And the salty wet roads. As you do! Must have been last year's Zipps; you know-Training Zipps. <Insert withering look here with rolling eyes> 

 It is interesting to note however (and you probably already noticed), that nearly 6,500ft of ascent in 70 something miles is quite a lot. But then this is Aberyswtyth. You really have to ride here to realise just how goddamm hilly it is. I'll tell you something, after the pain I experienced in that final hour-it had better pay off come the racing! As I remarked to Max (Strava for today) we went through 3 or 4 noticeable layers of pain today:

  1. Standard Pain that comes from chasing a whippet on a Race Bike up a hill.
  2. Pain that comes from splitting off from the group to do more miles.
  3. Pain that comes from then doing over double the miles done with the group up more hills.
  4. Pain that comes from doing a hilly loop that is in itself a standalone mid-week ride with legs that can only be described as f***ed.
 So yeah. Not much more to say really. No actually there probably is. I just can't remember. Oh well! Got some nice photos though:
Quote of the day goes to Max: 'I think that's water' (taken out of context for literary effect.)

It was actually frozen solid.

Atmospheric much?
They were all taken at the Pendam Reservoir up in/by/aroud the Nant-yr-Arian forest. One 'eck of a climb up/ descent whichever way you do it. Fast becoming one of my favourite sections of road ever. Seriously. 

Reverse Timewarp to my ride yesterday. Got up. Felt like crap. Abandoned my planned route fairly quickly but decided to ride the Ystwyth Cycle Trail back into town. Boy am I glad I did! Simple pleasures and all, but bombing along a deserted cycle trail at 20mph is really quite exhilarating, and reminded me why I shunned tarmac for so many years. Did get a bit hairy when I ended up on a Bridleway for about a mile though. Steep gravelly ascents and descents on a road bike with slick 25mm tyres isn't to be recommended (but was quite fun if I'm honest). I got back home with a big grin on my face, and isn't that why we all started riding bikes in the first place? Who cares if I didn't complete the planned session. I certainly didn't! I challenge all you bicyclists out there, next time you go out do something that will make you smile. Something that will make you think: 'ahh yes. I'd forgotten how much I loved just messing about on a bike'.

Just realised how high off the ground this looks. Approximately 6 feet and 4 inches to be exact!

That is one awesome bike. Carried me over some properly nasty roads these past few months! Thanks to the team boss Mr Bill Nickson for building it up so well!

Ystwyth river unless I am mistaken.

I've been learning levitation as well as French and German.

Sneaky food shot! Made this when I got in. Phhhwwoooarrrr.
Feels so good to have done a properly draining session after an up and down week health wise. Amazing what a good ride in good company with good banter, good cake, good roads and good refuelling food does for the spirits.

No summary this week. Don't really feel like it :D

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