I came across this earlier today; a well known journalist acknowledges that top Barcelona player takes growth hormone. http://www.irishpeloton.com/2012/02/drugs-in-football-pull-the-other-one/ But no need to worry! It's no big deal right? He doesn't seem to think so.
To make sure you read the article:
'The audio snippet above is akin to a cycling journalist such as Lionel Birnie revealing on a national radio show that he knows for a fact that Mark Cavendish takes EPO, but then move swiftly along to discuss Geraint Thomas’s qualities as a lead-out man.
But this is not cycling. This is football.
So nobody cares.'
As the writer states, the non cycling media is oh so quick to report on doping stories within the sport, which let us not forget is still rather a minority one when compared to many other mainstream sports such as football, yet fails to mention something as serious as a player who has won 'all of the game's major trophies in the past four years' taking drugs that will enhance his performance.
Something's not right there. Rather makes me think; why are there so many knee injuries in football? Extra stresses and strains placed on the joint is what anyone will tell you; and I am sure it is true, but don't forget though, many 80s cycling stars had mysterious knee injuries that people alleged were down to steroid abuse. Ok, maybe I'm seeing tenuous links where there aren't any...and given the recent spate of doping stories my brain is probably just feeling extra paranoid.
The manner in which the journalist brushes aside the issue concerning Xavi does rather remind me of what it sounds like the 90's and early 00's were like for cycling if David Millar's accounts are anything to go by. Presumed acceptance, solidarity within those in the know, Omertà. Are we perhaps set up for a Festina style scandal in the football world? Certain sports do seem to be suspiciously clean compared to others, and you cannot convince me that everyone tempted to cheat to win decides to ride a bicycle.
Feel free to disagree/contradict/dismiss my musing as bo**ocks-this is merely my take on the matter. I will be interested to see how this develops, but am not expectant that anything will come out of it if I'm honest. Money=power, and God knows there's a lot of power in football.
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