Speaking of good roads...actually, I don't have enough time to go into detail on that subject! Safe to say, for someone used to the population density and topography of the North West the roads down here are truly wonderful to witness on two wheels. I'm beginning to find my way (so to speak) now, and have enough routes in my mental GPS for me to do some decent hours on my own now. Last week I did almost as many hours as I was doing mid season, which was a bit of a surprise when I totted them up. It seems the key at this time of year is to not rush it, to build up gradually and not push too hard too soon. Looking back over the weekly totals, that's exactly what I've been doing over the past 3/4 weeks. Interestingly, I've hit my summer race weight again. Which is yet another surprise, as I'm not doing anything other than eating fairly well (and enjoying it I might add :D) and riding my bike! Lost a good 1.5-2kg since late November, so I'm not complaining there. If only the power was there eh ;)
I spent £5 on decorations in Poundland yesterday, I've got a mini tree, some tinsel (put some on my bike as well) and a sneaky set of fairy lights. I say sneaky, as they're technically not allowed in Uni accommodation. Scrooges. I've got 3 language assessments next week, then the parents are coming down for a few days and then it's back home for Crimbo! Really quite looking forward to:
- Showing the 'rents some of the roads down here
- Going home
- Christmas
- Mother-made food
- Seeing everyone back home again
Oh and I seem to be developing a mild toast addiction. Can't seem to get enough of the stuff. Need some more cake stops. That'll sort it.
Things I've learnt since I last posted:
- Average speed means nothing round here. Scenery and hills are much more important.
- Porridge+granola+sultanas+omega mix+honey followed by toast=Best Breakfast Ever.
- Flatmates can (supposedly) come in rather drunk at some godforsaken hour and shout 'let's see if John's awake...JOOOHHHNNNN' without causing me to break my slumber. Awesome.
- A 1 hour German lesson can (and sometimes will) turn into 40 minutes of Maths while the lecturer bravely attempts to explain the marking and grading system to 20 languages students. 'Well you see, we mark out of 85% when it's actually 100%. So your mark is out of 100%, but we change it to out of 85% for your grade. What do you mean that doesn't make any sense?'
- Buying Xmas presents for the family will make your eyes water when you see the total, but is is definitely worth it. Much prefer spending on others...guilt free!
- Listening to Heavy Metal just before going to bed is perhaps not the best way to mentally prepare, but it works surprisingly well.
- Pilates can hurt. In strange places you thought couldn't hurt.
- I need to plan these posts beforehand, as I always seem to end up rambling.
So I'll leave you with these guys I came across earlier in the week. They're Danish, they play guitars and sing and I really rather like their style. You may not, but why not have a listen and see?
A bientôt.
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